
Saturday, January 25, 2014


Sociology is the systematic study of society and how quite a diminutive work in groups. Many raft believe that stereotypes unravel a enormous role in many decisions that we practise on a day to day basis. Sociology is more so stereotypes be birth it is a scientific study of how people act, which a stereotype is just a way of thought that influences a authoritative group of people to act a certain way. Sociology contains more meaning thence just stereotypes, although stereotypes be given a huge role in understanding certain groups, their behavior and why they act a certain way. Muslims in America pursue gone finished a bus in the past 10 years. Their morality has been targeted as the descent for terrorism before and after family 11th 2001. They have exclusively been stereotyped to be terrorists and loss nothing more then to destroy America. This is due to the item that some individuals with Muslim label or a sternly a(prenominal) scattered groups commit comma ndeer or suicide outpouring in the name of Islam. (Nurullah 1021) this is the injure way to study Muslims. non all Muslims atomic number 18 terrorists; many come to this country for a better life just bid our ancestors did. One of the reasons we have such a bias view on Muslims is because of cumulus medias negative view on Muslims since the 1960s. it should be famed that the cultural clash between the watt and the Muslim humanness is not a new phenomenon. Islam and Muslims are historically looked master upon by the West. It is a fact that Muslims had hard times to cherish religion from the hand of the Crusaders from Europe during the twelfth century. This was felt aggressively after the First area fight and with the decline of the pouffe Caliphate. However, the negative portrayal of Muslims on media began intensively after the World War II, and particularly 1960s onwards.(Nurullah 1021) Muslims are not the unaccompanied groups of people who have had people in their religion cause terrorist attacks Christians,! Buddhists and separate religions groups have attacked people of other religion in the name of...If you want to get a full essay, target it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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