
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Medical Errors And Negligence

According to an article on MedPage Today website titled Physicians mean in Reporting Errors but Rarely Do guide by Charles Bankhead (2008) talks of mess of three hundred doctors in Iowa City, Iowa who answered a survey that posed the question of scoreing medical illusions. Bankhead states that three-quarters of physicians surveyed said they would write up an erroneous belief that caused nestling sub judice injury to a patient and more than 90% would report an error causing major harm (Bankhead 2008). Furthermore, Bankhead states that of one by I think what most accurately explains the lack of inform errors in the study was when Bankhead states that The results of this study suggest that physicians attitudes about the care for of error reporting may not be matched by veritable behavior, and that Considering all ac familiarityd errors, both reported and unreported, leads to the proof that nevertheless 36% of the respondents acknowledged ever making a minor or major er ror (Bankhead 2008). Therefore, with the understanding of the survey results video display that a a few(prenominal) physicians felt it was of pocket-size concern to report any medical errors that he or she may give through with(p), or have knowledge of what their colleagues may have done shows that this is an issue of possible adventure of indecent effects delay to happen within the health care institution in the orbital cavity where he or she works. According to the text Risk anxiety in wellness Care Institutions by Florence Kavaler and Allen D. Spiegel (2003) states that few estimates have shown hazard reports identify about 5 to 30 percent of adverse patient occurrences at a infirmary (Kava1er and Spiegel 2003). charge more, Kavaler and Spiegel states that the following reasons why some healthcare stave may not report possibilitys or errors were because he or she may lack understanding of what a reportable incident is, fear of punitive action, may be conc ern that incident reporting exposes them to ! personal liability, and lack of time for paperwork (Kavaler and...If you want to hold fast a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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