
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bertolt brecht was a great playwright of th 20th century in which he became a great practioner of epic theatre.

Brechts intent was to keep the auditory sense alienated or distanced from what is hap in the play so they could freely slim down on the larger neighborly and policy-making issues that are make and reflected during the play. Brecht considered his plays to be epic because it attempted to create a entire modern perspective of human history and to indicate the political bursting charge to make things clearer. Brechts, Epic firm (Brechtian theatre), was directed against the fantasise of handed-down theatre. Brecht instead valued to encourage the audience to fall out events on horizontal surface open minded and to prepare their own conclusions. To foreclose dishs from becoming emotionally involved with a play and identifying with its characters, Brecht apply a variety of techniques. One of the techniques utilise as cognise as the alienation effect. This technique was to remind the spectator that this play is a representation of sinlessness and not reality itself. Suc h techniques including the direct address by actors to the audience, exaggeration, unnatural stage lighting, the use of song, explanatory placards, unfamiliar settings were employ to create this effect. What Brecht wanted was a new kind of theatre which reflected the times in which they were living, which examined the society, that asked questions to the actors and the audience which entertained whilst being a political and social tool to change society. Brechts major conclusion was to make the audience examine the human beings around them to read things in a new way so they bunghole ask questions on themselves and others around. He also gives the opportunity of woof which deals with the responsibility of your actions which in that respect is always an alternative outcome. It enables mess to wonder why the world around them is changeable, and nothing is ameliorate and you can do something rough it. Brecht was not... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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