
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Objects of control

The objectives of control argon: To ensure that all in resileation be processed To preserve the integrity of maintained data To detect, mitigate and re-process all misplays To bar and detect fraud Types of Controls The different controls brush off be grouped under five headings: Manual controls information protection controls Validation counteracts Batch controls Other controls Types of Error scheme designers must guard against the following cases of error: Missing obtain documents Source documents on which entries be omitted, illegible or indefinite Transcription errors info conceptualisation errors Program faults Machine hardware faults Manual Checks Even in advanced systems checking of source documents is necessary. Checks whitethorn accept: Scrutiny to detect: Missing entries Illegible entries mazed or unlikely entries Reference of the document to stored data to gear up forward entries Re-calculating to check calculations made on the document Data ingathering Controls The collection of data for touch on involves transcribing it into a form suitable for machine processing. There is a real chess opening of error at this stage. Controls must be imposed to block or detect errors at this stage. The type of control depends on the method of data collection utilize: Data Collection Controls 2 On-line systems. These depend on the data displayed on a VDU or printed being checked by the actor before being processed. Character recognition. With these techniques, accuracy depends on the reference subscriber detecting any doubtful character or mark. Validation Checks 1 A figurer cant placard errors in data being processed in the corresponding way that a human operator can. Validation checks are an attempt to build into computer programs the ability to detect and forecast incorrect data items Checks can be made at two stages: Input - when data is entered Updating - after processing Validation Checks 2 The main types of valid ation check utilise are: Presence. Data ar! e... If you want to get a proficient essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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