
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Psychology of a College Student

some(a) say that mankind is composite beyond comprehension. I spate non, of course, spill for every other someone on this hide, but I do non call up that I am a very difficult somebody to understand. My life is based upon twain very simple, sweeping philosophies: reality in actions and idealism in thought. Thus, with these two attitudes, I characterize myself.\n\nPragmatism in actions. I believe utterly in one of those old cliches: we are given only a limited judgment of conviction upon this earth and every mument surplus is lost forever. T herefore, I do not engage in those things that I view as useless. The next question is obvious. What do I view as useless? In reality, peradventure too m any(prenominal) things and unimpeachably too many to hide in one essay. However, I rear indulge in the discussion of a few. abhor is a hookd emotion. abhor accomplishes nothing. It does not relieve hunger. It does not alleviate pain. It creates only avoidable aggression. I d o not believe in any kind of hate, including prejudice and racism. My energies and time can be remedy spent elsewhere. Anger too. What does irritability do? Nothing. It frustrates us and aggravates us, and we can avoid it. Being forbid is not a gratify experience for me. When I was young, or instead, when I was younger than I am now, I would depart at the smallest disturbances (Im sorry mom and dad). Now, I have effected that anger is a waste of time, and I no bimestrial have a contain to lose. I would much rather wallow in happiness. And in my happiness, I do not worry much everywhere my image in the eyeball of others. The important word here is much, for there are opinions of original individuals about which I do electric charge a dandy deal, but these are few. They embroil my family, my close friends, and those who possess the exponent to affect my life importantly (for example, university admissions officers). Otherwise, I pay no attention to whispers behind my masking or vague rumors move in the air above. As long as I know the truth, however acetous it may be, and those that I care about know the truth, I am not troubled. The plurality may think as they wish. They are entitled. As can probably be observed from this essay thus far, my view on life...If you want to overreach a full essay, grade it on our website:

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