
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How the Other Half Lives

Long past French Writer Francois Rabelais wrote: mavin half(prenominal) of the world does non know how the other half lives. It was from this quote that Jacob August Riis derived the entitle of his renowned book How the some other Half Lives (Riis 5). The goal of Riis create was to bring the plight of the muckle who lived in the tenements to the attention of gist and upper class new-made Yorkers, and appeal to them to do something just close this (Riis 5).\nJacob Riis was born in Ribe, Denmark and was the deuce-ace of fifteen children. He had a happy childhood besides experienced tragedy at age eleven when his itty-bitty brother drowned. He authenticated later in his liveliness that his mother never recovered(p) from this (Buk-Swienty 39). Riis immigrated to the join States from his native Denmark in 1870 aboard a steamship, The Iowa. He was heartbroken before he left when the love of his invigoration Elizabeth refused his marriage proposal (Buk Swienty 38). He ar rived in New York metropolis without a concrete mean of what he wanted to do. He spent his first-class honours degree pair of months living in immigrant hostels, displace with state new to the United States just like him. He was skilled in woodwork, and worked as a carpenter. He was customary because he charged junior-grade prices (Buk-Swienty 55). Riis was offered a short-term handicraft as city editor in chief of the New York Tribune. He went on to become a law of nature reporter at mulberry tree Street. In this position he dealt mainly with investigative insurance coverage and helped solve numerous cases. He also did a hooking of work in the slums, to the luxuriouslyest degree the conditions in which people lived (Buk-Swienty 137).\nRiis specify a tenement as a house sedulous by three or more families, living individually and doing their cooking on the set forth (Riis 12). This also included flats. Tenements were usually made up of about four to six stories hi gh and with a store on the first floor (Riis 12). The first tenements were not built measuredly to house poor people or so numerous of them. Aristo... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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