
Thursday, October 24, 2013

"A Rock and a Hard Place" book review

I name just finished the autobiography A quake and a Hard Place, by Anthony Godby Johnson, a thus fourteen year old boy. This is one of the better cultivate - related volumes I have read yet. It is a narration of a boys life from being beaten and sexually mistreated to finding a new loving family to conceive cautiousness of him, to his discovery of having AIDS, but he does this all in a upbeat, non-self pity tone. While non one of the best lay aside stories I have read because of its frequent jumps forward and backswept in his life, this book will change your view of both AIDS and child abuse almost immediately upon curtain raising night the book.         It is obvious not too far into the book that Anthony is not the best of writers, but this is expected, he wrote this when he was alone fourteen, and had to write it now because he didnt/doesnt have that long to hold. It is not salutary written, but the amount of raw emotion handle into each page in this book is amazing. Any form person would have easily broken under such(prenominal) a tremendous mental burden. You feel as if you atomic number 18 Anthony as he watches all of the people c omitst to him die, lose hope, or just be crushed from unfortunate dowry into homelessness.
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When I read this book I wasnt looking at printed spoken communication on pages, I was hearing the electron tube as I rode it in the night with my best athletic supporter to fall asleep, I was reading my best friends suicide earn to me because he couldnt live in a world without me when I told him I have AIDS.         Because of the compelling force in this story, some(prenominal) people signify that this is actually a fictional st! ory, and... If you involve to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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