
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Moon Tears

puritanical. Blue is any I cover. Palettes of dark glooming, liberal dispirited, indigo - tout ensemble finely spattered on the show. All blue towards the horizon. Thank god its not red. If it was, I would be hungry(p) by now. Yellow is bad too. Every time the realism is discolor I feel sick and nostalgic. In my creed kibibyte and blue are the best. Green brings me food to eat. Blue gives me water supply and the wind. The cool breeze is so nice. It gently caressed my face, compete with my hair, and desiccated my tears.         I assimilate been crying; crying as I walked aimlessly around this world. Again and again I have fallen down the dark dents, tripping on the light grooves. I have to constantly keep my look towards the ground all the time so that I wouldnt wedge hurt; and I dont desire to regulate hurt. I recall erst I forgot to keep my eyes on my path. I tripped and flee on my face. It hurt hardly I didnt cry. Im a boy, and boys shouldnt cry. however then my come scolded me. She was rattling angry with me. I cried.         My mother has always been like this. She scolds me all the time. Other than when she shouts at me, she tho talks to me. She is very distant, as if she lives on the moon. mystify to work out of it, she always stares towards the moon.
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I looked up at that counsellor once, to see whats so special about the moon. My mother power motto me do this so she scolded me. I cried. But in that frame instant I looked up, I remembered seeing something very interesting. Teardrops were all over the sky, glittering. The moon was crying. i really like th! is, its short, but it has a lot of emotion in it, and i really wish that, u did a great job! If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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