
Friday, September 27, 2013

What problems did Alexander II face in 1855 and how far was he successful in solving them?

In 1855, when Alexander II, son of Nicholas I, came to power as czar of Russia he was faced by many problems. Russia, being the sufferwards malignment it was needed reform. The gap between the noble class and the untaught class was enormous and causing problems. The serfs were being treated horribly; the legal system and educational system were in horrendous need of changes. There were also governmental issues that needed to be addressed. Russia could use as untold reform as affirmable; Alexander II saw these needs and require every(prenominal) parkway to fulfill them in the name of fatherland. In 1859, there were ofttimes than 40 million peasants enslaved to either private landowners or the state, others served as servants on the estates of the nobles. These serfs were the private property of their owners, often beaten for no or little reason. They had no freedom; it was up to their owners to move any proposed marriages. Since 1649, when serfdom was legally established as a means of attaching peasants to the land of the nobility, serfdom had been a key agentive mathematical function in making the noble families wealthier and making it impossible for the serfs to hoo-hah out of their enslavement. Although when Alexander II became Tsar he do it clear that he was not desperate to emancipate the serfs, unless did make it known that freeing the serfs would be in the great amour of Russia. He stated it is better that emancipation pass from supra than wait for it to come from below1, this showed that he matte up whether he went about emancipating the serfs or not, they were inevitably going to say their freedom one way or another.
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The emancipation which scan problems for a sho! rt period of time caused disturbances which eventually skint out with force... The councils were not called Zemstvos or Zemtvos as is said in the essay, they are Zemstvas. Also some of the peasants in areas where they were treated with contemplate after the emancipation wanted more freedom, as was said, altogether if in many cases in areas where they were made reconcile frequently more for the land they were only mixed up and angry because they had been farming the land for centuries and all of a sudden they had to concede for it to be free, so they wanted to go sticker to the old system. If you want to get a full essay, aim it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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