
Friday, September 27, 2013

The road to independence

The Road to Independence The Road to Independence was a goal of clip that the colonies began to get their lives together. They began to turn on for how they wanted to live. Th highly strung the warfares with themselves, the french, Indians, and the British was a rough date for the colonies. The fist battle that started to Road to Independence was the french and Indian War. The British and the American Colonies waged it against the French and their Indian allies. In europium the septenary Years War began because of the rivalry between the nations for control over North America started when they began exploring the continent. The British settlers found towns and cleared their refine for ontogeny crops. On the other hand the French were more concerned with protect their land and trade. A meeting of delegates compliance seven of the colonies in capital of New York wanted to strengthen their ties and to cook a unified war effort in the Federal Colonies. They want ed to make this a permanent confederation of the colonies called the Albany Plan of Union, though the colonies rejected it, it was a model for ulterior government. In the beginning the British where losing.
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One attack where the Indians and the French won was a group of about nine one hundred of them strike a force of about 1,500 British soldiers and quartette hundred-fifty militia, which were fortify citizens. After Great Britain declared war on France, William Pitt became Britains charge Minister, which was the highest official of the government. He had their parliament raise taxes and sorb money to fight in the war. Because of all this. The British became interrupt prepar ed which overwhelmed the French and Indians.! The French then abandoned their forts in New York and Moved into Canada. and then the British decided to adjust a... If you want to get a full essay, localize it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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