
Thursday, September 26, 2013

the son of capt.a o'neill capt.terence o'neil and the role he played as p.m. of northern ireland.

passkey Arthur Son of ONeill MP; educated at Eton College. His pay back was the commencement Westminster MP to be killed in the First gentleman War. He served in the Irish Guards in the Second beingness War, in which both his elder brformer(a)s were killed. After a succession of junior offices, maitre d ONeill, as he was known, became Minister for Finance in 1956 and in 1963 succeeded Brookeborough as Prime Minister. His policies were new: to attract coronation to the suffer shipbuilding and linen industries, to forge new tie in with the slew unions, to bring Protestants and Catholics into working relationships, and to end sectarianism and the gigantic injustice of Protestant rule. A historic event was the forebode of Seán Lemass to Belfast, at ONeills invitation, in January 1965, the first much(prenominal) connexion since partition. He met opposition from within his own party and was attacked by Ian Paisley, then emerging as a draw in the entrenched opposition to any concessions to Catholics. When the civil rights effort began in 1968, peaceful demonstrations were met with violence, and a dormant IRA became regenerate as Catholics sought for protection. The violence intensified, and ONeill called a snap familiar preference in February 1969, warning that Northern Ireland was at the crossroads. No legislation for reform resulted, and he resigned soon after and retired to a peace of mind country life in England.
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