
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Contrast of mark antony and ma

How does integrity begin to divide the thin line mingled with by rights and wrong or erect and evil? much(prenominal)(prenominal) a brain whitethorn be con attitudered an act of spill the beans futility, as in that location can be no still line amongst the masters and the set downrs nor the skinny and the evil, as such a line moldiness be drawn by ones specialised morality. prey Antony and Marcus Brutus of William Shakespe atomic number 18s Julius Caesar helped to prefectly illustrate how at quantify there may be no winner or loser, rather, often beat when two individuals follow their beliefs until finish greets them, the two are deemed winners. Indications of see to it which led to Brutus death would non commit one across been followed by Mark Antony, hitherto Brutus was a man who could never show suspiciousness to his comrads, horizontal with his sustenance at stake. When morality draws the line between winner and loser, to win, one unavoidably t o follow morals, while the losers are hardly if those light enough to be comprimised.         At a firm glance it would appear that Mark Antony was definitely em counterbalance than Marcus Brutus. He avenged the death of Caesar, thwarting Brutuss plans, and in the expiry of the battle, he emerged as the new leader of capital of Italy. Antony had the superpower to say healthful and take charge when in danger, he was too in truth strong physically as well as athletic. I am non gamesome : I do lose some part of that quick spirit that is Antony. ( figure 1 , flick 2 lines 28 -29 ) . However , notwithstanding rendering proved that Antony was not an all together shame soul . In influence to avenge Caesars death he lied to the conspirators and to the citizens of capital of Italy. He was correct in saying that around of the conspirators were driven by jealousy, merely Antony did not do anything for the good of Rome, he merely fought sadness. T hose who believe in pureness inlife would n! ot approve of Antony, as his vengence showed weak pass on and poor judgement. Those who viewed mastery as a survival of the fittest would wonder the underhanded techniques of such a man.         Looking distantly at Marcus Brutus one may say that he was not an boilers suit good person. He often made decisions that caused trouble, {Flatterers! Now, Brutus, thank yourself: This tongue had not pique so to-day, If Cassius might have ruled. (Act 5, Scene 1, lines 45-47)} and he killed his topper friend Caesar show8ing him to be a piddling brutal. His wife Portia killed herself because Brutus could not put her in front of the involve of Rome. Furthermore, Brutus killed himself during a cadence that he was very mentally weak and unstable which showed he was incapable of helping everyone he cherished to. However, again, if one took the time to find deeper into Brutuss personality it would sow him to be a very strong person. Everything Brutus did, was don e out of honor for both(prenominal) he and Rome. His mistakes were not mistakes in his eyes, because morally he was right. Caesar and Portia died because Brutuss dearest for Rome was incredibly strong. As a consequence of this acknowledge Brutus had to assimilate many sacrifices, the not bad(p)est of which was his life. He sacrificed the wonderful life he had for Rome, and however painful his sacrifices may have been they yielded a man of honor and virtue.                  This was the noblest Roman of them all:                   completely the conspirators, go on unaccompanied he,                  Did that they did in envy of great Caesar;                  He only, in a general honest image                  And common good to all, made one of them. (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 68-72)         So who should be named the bet ter of these two Romans? The answer lies in the sid! e the reader has of life. Antonys instinctive and anger wrenched behavior may be considered admirable by some, because he was driven by a passion that everyone needs to survive.
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When Antony saw Caesars dead body he immediately inadequacyed to avenge this death at whatever cost. Antonys hump for Rome paralleled Brutuss love for Rome so he put his well being behind the revenge he snarl Caesar needed.                   watchword Havoc! and let slip the dogs of war;                  That this arch performance shall smell above the earth                  With Carrion men, groaning for burial. (Act 3, Sc ene 1, lines 273-275)          other perspective taken may be the person who is out(p) by Brutuss sacrifices. Honor does not often yield a strong object so often people lose imagination of their goal to be good, however Brutus continued to be honorable throughout the play, not letting anger lead his judgement. Those who gaze to gain a strong will could look to Brutus as an example of unending determination.         Death comes to all, with no prejudice, yet how one gets there determines who one is. Antony and Brutus followed two different paths, scarce they both emerged strong men who could handle any excruciation an futurity may have brought them. However, if one let go of the sacred scripture and read a page from the adjudge of Epicurus, one would therefore question mans existence. Mans existence could be a total defect and it is possible that God does not exist, so why not live every moment not as if it were your last, but with pass ion and happiness. Cowards die many multiplication b! efore their deaths; The daring never taste of death but once. (Act 2, Scene 2, lines 32-33) Antony listened only to his passion, and the result was the birth of a flyspeck piece of paradise in a mans mind where the only judge is himself. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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