
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Heart Of Darkness Vs Apocalypse Now1

heart of darkness vs apocalypse now1 heart of darkness The ends of tenderness or Darkness and Apocalypse Now are dramatically different and change the whole meaning of the story. The first is in the Movie. Marlows friend gets his head chopped off. In the book, he has no such friend. Marlow arrives at the boat by himself. This changes the movie dramatically because this scene is used for drama and emotion. You, as the viewer, are vatical to feel for the man. In the book it totally bypasses this segment and sticks to congress the story rather than just shoeing the story, i.e.
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the book offers more digest and the movie more action. I see the contrast as thought and contemplation vs. action and muscle. The second difference is, in the movie, Marlow never tries to take Kurtz he just leaves. In the book, he tries but Kurtz dies. This is a huge difference. This detail changes how one would hear up Marlow. His demeanor obviously changes if he tries to save psyche or leaves ...If you want to get a full essay, disposition it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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