
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Animal Testing1

animal(prenominal) testing1 Animals Every social class, millions of animals suffer and die in elegant tests to determine the safety of cosmetics. Substances such as spirit derriere and soap argon time-tested on rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, dogs, and gelid animals, despite the fact that the test results don?t presage service prevent or treat human distemper or injury. Cosmetics atomic number 18 not required to be tested on animals and since non-animal alternatives exist, it?s hard to understand why round companies unruffled continue to conduct these tests. Cosmetic companies kill millions of animals every year to try to make a profit.
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According t o the companies that carry out these tests, they are done to establish the safety of a harvesting and the ingredients. However, the solid food and Drug Administration (FDA) which regulates cosmetic products, does not require animal testing. Some of the tests used on animals are eye irritancy tests, slap-up toxicity tests, and skin irritancy tests. In eye irritancy tests, a li...If you indispensableness to get a full essay, value it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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