
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fetal Alchol Syndrome

ENGLISH 102 COMPOSITION II 2MAY 2002 - 22 AUG 2002 ESSAY 4 THE HANGOVER THAT LASTS A LIFETIME 1 June 2002 Fetal alcoholic drink syndrome is lots called the uproar that stomachs a feeltime. The only cause of foetal alcohol syndrome is women who drink during pregnancy. This affects the development of the fetus causing physiologic malformations and profound nervous system deficiencies. For physicians, diagnosing fetal alcohol syndrome squirt be difficult if alcohol use by the become is either non suspected or not known. heedless of whether or not fetal alcohol syndrome is diagnosed when the tyke is born, the primal nervous system effects can last a animationtime. As these children grow into adulthood, they usually do not turn age-appropriate skills necessary for living independently. Treating fetal alcohol syndrome varies depending on the individuals special(prenominal) symptoms and degree of impairment. The best treatment, however, is prevention and education of pregnant women virtually the risks of drinking age pregnant and advocating abstinence. Had my mother known the familiarity I am about to provide, maybe my older brother Chris would have been able to lead a normal life! Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is defined as a contour of physical, behavioral, and cognitive abnormalities in infants and children (Committee par 1), and described as the hangover that lasts a lifetime (Eisenberg et al 53). Women who choose to drink while they be pregnant, is the only cause of FAS. The stage of pregnancy the mother is in when she drinks causes different characteristics of FAS. Drinking during the first trimester of pregnancy affects the craniofacial development, the block in which the facial features be being formed and mental capacity ontogenesis is beginning. Drinking during the second and third trimesters could result in decreased fetal growth, resulting in low birth weight and modify postnatal growth. With...
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