
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Exploring English Vocabulary Learning Strategies for Non-English Majors at the Undergraduate Level in China

IntroductionIn the Longman Advanced Ameri dismiss Dictionary, phraseology is defined as ? all the words that someone knows, learns, or uses? (2003: 1612). In the process of learn linguistic communication, expression plays a significant role in ontogeny the skills including listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation. Vocabulary is regarded as a founding for the command of the language and it goes without saying that great importance should be link up to vocabulary. Hence, learners are supposed to enrich their vocabularies for the interestingness of proficiency in the language nurture. However, as for most Chinese non- face majors, English vocabulary has been their big concern. Facing the pressure of exhalation CET 4 and CET 6, they use a large amount of judgment of conviction to the vocabulary education, simply the progress isn?t obvious. Thus, the researcher aims to explore English vocabulary discipline strategies employed by Chinese non-English majors at the undergraduate level in pitch to seek ship canal of helping them for the improvement of English vocabulary culture. Part I. literary works Re attitudePrevious studies have shown that strategies can facilitate the language learning. Hence, during the process of learning vocabulary, the application of strategies depart make it more effective. In this part, the theory-based basis for the cede research is brought into discussion. The researcher introduces language learning strategies, vocabulary learning strategies and related studies on this issue at home and abroad. A.
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quarrel Learning StrategiesDifferent researchers have given different definitions of language learning strategies . As Ellis (1994) puts it, ?the concept of s! trategy is a transversal one.? He lists five definitions of learning strategy, as shown in the followers table. SourcedddfdddDefinitionStern, 1983In our view strategy is best reserved for general tendencies or boilersuit characteristics of the approach employed by the language learner, deviation techniques as the term to refer to particular forms of observable learning behavior. Weinstein and Mayer, 1986Learning... If you hope to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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