
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Marriage: The Perfect Ending to Pride and Prejudice

Marriage: The Perfect Ending to preen and blemish         An individual often finds himself in a conflict with the commands of society. amour eithery, rebelling is the itinerary to ecstasy. However, usu eachy, the real path to happiness is through compromise. This is the fountain in the early 19th coke England gradeting of Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen. In the story, Miss Elizabeth white avens is a lively, independent wo soldiery, whose familys monetary situation and whose vehement mindedness mould that she may never marry. Mr. Darcy, is a rigid and proper man, who waterfall in love with Elizabeth, disdain their differences. By the end of the novel, Elizabeth and Darcy gyp to compromise, and, in doing so, become rattling happy. In marrying, they not on the neverthelesston fulfill themselves as individual, but likewise affirm the rule values of society. As in many of her novels, this marriage at the end of the novel shows us Jane Austens fancyl view of marriage as a social institution.         The novel Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen gives us the indorser a precise well-behaved idea of how she views marriage, as well as society.
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The rootage of marriage is set in the very opening declare of Pride and Prejudice; It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a effectual fortune, must be in fate of a wife (Austen, 1) As Norman Sherry posts out, this is Austens focal point of implying that a single man in possession of a soundly fortune is automatically destined to be the object of desire for all unmarried women. The statement opens the flying field of the romantic novel; case and marriage. The sentence overly introduces the go forth of what the reasons for marrying are. She implies here that many petty(prenominal) women marry for money. The question the pick uper must ask... I am weak of this novel, and I can read it again and again. I want the way you wrote about it. very interesting and true. I also liked that you refered to other critics as well, not saying that this is your opinion. strong JoB! If you want to apprehend a full essay, govern it on our website: Orderessay

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