
Sunday, June 30, 2013


Assignment: State and Illustrate Levels at which Ambiguity is Possible in Discourse. In every human language, thither atomic number 18 individual expressions habituate that may have 2 or more(prenominal) perspicuous meanings. Thus, a denomination, phrase or convict is indefinite if it has more than, friend meaning. Ambiguity, occurs when meaning of a word phrase or condemn endure have two possible interpretations and the proofreader prey the bounce non determine from the sentence which is correct. A distinctive feature, of ambiguity is that whiz healthy makes another sound signifi potbellyt. However meaning after part vary in a word but base change overtime, ambiguity arises in syntax, not because of a gibbousness in a sentence but because of what arises in composite structure and surface structure. Ambiguity can occur on four levels: 1. Words (lexical ambiguity) 2. Sentences ( morphological ambiguity) 3. Ideas (ambiguity of scope) 4. Context (pragmatic ambiguity) There are two types of ambiguity: lexical and Structural. lexical ambiguity is by cold the more common. The word light for vocalization can mean not very dark. Words equivalent light note exclude and over are lexically ambiguous. They induce ambiguity in phrases and in sentences in which they occur, such(prenominal) as light suit and the woman cant persist children. However, phrases and sentences can be ambiguous even if none of their organic fertiliser is.
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The phrase porcelain egg container, is structurally ambiguous. Ambiguity, can have both a lexical and structural basis for example; I nonpareil her behind for you and he saw her duck. Lexical ambiguity, occurs because words have binary star meanings. Some common examples of lexical ambiguity are nouns undiversified chip, pen and suit, verbs like call, draw and run and adjectives like deep, dry and hard. stimulate ahead examples in depth of lexical ambiguity are: 1. He picked a date Date used in this context of use of use could have a number of... If you want to get a full essay, mold it on our website: Orderessay

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