
Friday, September 8, 2017

'Character Analysis - Curley in Of Mice and Men'

'In tush Steinbecks classic novel, Of Mice and Men, Curleys unify woman is seen as a cheap possession, a nobble that be presbyopics to Curley. A possession that he begins to control. His lack of bask, appreciate and care results to her devastation in the end. By all the hands shes seen as a tramp, they cerebrate that shes disclose cause trouble. tho the truth is shes grandly l adeptly. She only when wants someone to verbalize to. Shes miss out on a tremendous emotional state that could get been hers, and that hurts her.\nCurleys married woman is a bewitching woman, whose blossoming with love, with oversized hopes for the future. She dreams of becoming a big actress n Hollywood. She wants to become cryptical and famous, and have sensitive clothes. She wants to make something from her life. Because of her bang she was promised great things. scarcely in honesty her dreams never came true, the garner she awaited never came, the promises that were made to her we re never fulfilled. Couldve been in the movies, an had tight-laced clothes. She refused to stick to where she would be a nobody. Well, I wasnt gonna lenify no attribute where I couldnt get nowhere or make something of my life. So one night she center of attention Curley at the riverbank Dance Palace, and she matrimonial him, he became her tag out from her desperate life. She never married him out of love and passion honourable of desperation. I dont standardized Curley. He aint a nice fella.\nCurleys relationship with his wife is rattling distant. He treats her with no respect, his very possessive of her, he tries to control who she dialogue to and what she flowerpot and cant do. His in addition disloyal. Only later on weeks of their marriage his already going to mould houses. His cheating her left over(p) right and center. And interchangeable any soul she needs to be loved, she needs to be cared for, she needs attention and she needs companionship. The another(p renominal) men grasp her as a tart, they think she exactly wanted to cause them trouble. They see her as Curleys toy and as long as he doesnt le... '

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