
Saturday, May 6, 2017

A Story of Friendship

Friendship is not something you see in school. But if you weent knowing the meaning of mateship, you unfeignedly havent well-read anything. When I was young, I never knew the true meaning of paladinship. totally the people that were around me were my relatives, so I never cared around having friends. As I grew up, I found myself alone level(p) though I had a big family and many first cousins. I didnt have that special friend who I could hang step up with and tell everything to. When I was hug drug years old, I got really depressed because I didnt have any friends and my parents didnt know what to do to take me out of my depression. afterwards a while, we knew that we were coming to the US; this made me busy and immobilize about my depression for the stop of the time that we were in Jordan. On November 19 2007, I arrived to the united States leaving no friends quarter me. It was harder and harder to make friends when I couldnt communicate any English. My life compl etely changed when I met my best friend a year later. Coincidently, the lady friend who I met at tutoring school term during summer and thought she was the roughly arrogant person on this earth became my best friend. At first, I used to hate her and she used to hate me for no particular reason. We use to course each other the dirtiest serve and I use to theorise to myself who does she think she is. We both babble out the same language so it was easy for the teacher to bring out us to each other. I said to myself OMG I dont pauperization to talk to her and anyways I had to. I said hi and she replied with the same word but I heard it with a hatred voice. After that, we never talked during the entire tutor session. In the fall of my freshmen year, I met her at Western High School. We had a lot of classes to tickher. When I proverb her next to me in political economy class. I was like OH NO not again!! How am I going to project her the whole year? Then, my cousin went and int roduced herself and they both started talking. I entangle that I misjudged her and that she was re... If you want to get a full essay, tack it on our website:

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