
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Baseline Study on Davao City\'s Remittances

I. Rationale\nThis paper provides analytic data regarding migrant workers in Davao City, the nature of their jobs and tenure, the amount of their remittances per annum and the change these stupefy exerted in saving, spending and investment behaviors. The query draws attention to the contribution of migrants to the miserliness of Davao City and explores issues related to remittances and stinting behavior. Through this paper, we would like to die the gaps between remittances and financial investments among Davao migrants.\n\nII. admittance\nInternational tote migration is define as the movement of nation from one country to another(prenominal) for the purpose of oeuvre. Labor mobility has beat a distinct portion of globalization and the global frugality with migrant workers earning US$ 440 one million million in 2011, and the World blaspheme estimating that more than $350 billion of it was transmitted to development countries in devises of remittances (International government activity for Migration, para. 1). \nLabor migration has extensive sentiment for the migrants, their communities, the countries of origin and destination, and also for the employers. A growing number of direct countries view international toil migration as an integral berth of their national development and employment strategies. Countries of origin benefit from labor migration because it relieves unemployment pressures and contributes to development through remittances, familiarity transfer, and the creation of business and wiliness networks.\nIn developing countries, remittances have become an enduring division of the countrys growth. It plays a key role as a source of international finance. Remittances are a form of aid that migrant workers enthrall back to their families, in mark to support the needs of the family. In about 25% of developing countries, remittances are larger than populace and private capital flows have (International Monetary Fund, 2009).T he reason wherefore remittances are so beta is due...

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