
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Essay: Equality at Work

It is crude knowledge (or do you pie-eyed commonly acknowledged) that the leadership of companies ar sole men such(prenominal) as observation Gates of Microsoft corporation or Steve Jobs of Apple. Therefore, some people paint a picture that companies should ensure a certain(prenominal) proportion of high take positions go to women. However, from a personal viewpoint, I do\n\n\n non concur with them because of company realize and sex equality.\n\nOn the atomic number 53 hand, the solid aim of employers is profit. As a result, for selecting leading positions employers await candidates with many special skills such as management, communication and so on. People who feed all in all of these attributes can be chosen without concern as to whether they are men or women.\n\nOn the another(prenominal) hand, we should consider the problems of equality. Women have fought for it over centuries. They long for the opposite word sex to share their responsibilities for family and bear the restriction that prevents them from taking scatter in social activities. Hence, they can non wait society to give them more(prenominal) advantages over men when applying for jobs.\n\nAlthough the science of people in a great number of countries does not support womens inventory in masters or doctorate qualifications or other training, especially in east countries, if women pauperization society to abide by them, they must demonstrate their abilities to transport the employers that they are more deserving to have high aim positions.\n\nTo sum up, because of profit the companies get out not accept allocating a percentage of leading positions to women. As well as that, women perpetually expect to be treated equally, so they have to make do with men in applying for jobs.If you want to get a broad essay, order it on our website:

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