
Friday, October 14, 2016

Song Summary: Hey Kid - IF/THEN

For my prototypical teleph hotshot c totally selection, I chose a plot of ground from the musical If/ whence called Hey Kid. If/Then centers around the history of Elizabeth, a New York City deviser who is looking for a fresh-cut start. She meets two of her tremblers in key Park. Her friend Kate says that she should experience invigoration more while her friend Lucas tells her to make more master key connections in the city. The musicals plot landmark then splits into two contrasting story lines, one sideline Liz and her new experiences and the other following(a) Beth and her professional career.\nIn Lizs story line, she falls in hunch forward with an army doctor named cod. At the end of Act 1 it is revealed that Liz and Josh are expecting their scratch child. Act two opens with their coupling and then transitions to the birth of their son. Josh sings the song Hey Kid to claim the audience of the childs birth. By applying the 6 musical theater actors questions, one commode interpret the songs lyrics and can better perform this assemble.\nThe first question asks who is the character apprisal to. Hey Kid in the scene of the musical is world render to the child that is on its way. It is in addition being sung to the utterer himself. In the beginning to the blame Josh sings Hey, Kid./Evryones waiting on you, kid. which is clearly directed at the child. Later in the piece he sings And I realize, in an instant that Ive know you all along. This could be interpreted as him saying this to the child precisely is more of a concept to himself.\nAfter understanding which split of the song are being sung to who, we now mustiness understand what the character wants. In the moment of the song, he wants he child to be born. In the long term he wants to reassure the child that whatsoever this world grows to, and whatever come our way every this is press release to be okay. Josh shows these goals by singing about his fire and fears about this k id climax into this world. He wants everything to be meliorate for this kid, but he knows that he and hi... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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