
Monday, February 10, 2014

What is the role of nurses in the community. Give detailed account of a patient cared for?

This essay focuses on the nurse care received by a long-suffering during practice placement in the community. The pedagogy for choosing this patient is because the author participated fully in providing care affect for this particular patient. A good nurse and patient akin was developed which enabled the author to feel confident and at comfort whiles providing care. The author learnt and developed new skills, which will be prerequisite for future clinical practice. There will be a shortened account of the patients patient profile. Models used to identified the patients existing and potency problems will be discussed. The author will thence brush up the models used identifying the strengths and limitations. (Care Plan in vermiform process One) In death the author will reflect on the care tending(p) and how it will enable self-improvement in providing caliber nursing in the future. In compliance with the NMC (2002) Code of overlord Conduct for confidentiali ty, the patient involved in this care prove will be referred to as Mr. Ian Clarke to protect his identity. After understandably explaining my intentions, Mr. Clarke gave me his verbal apply to be subject of my care vignette without obligations. Mr. Ian Clarke is a 60-year-old slope man. A chain smoker who smokes around 15 - 20 cigarettes a day. Mr. Clarke was once married alone separated from his wife many years agone. He has 2 children but is not in contact with them. At inclose Mr. Clarke lives in a single hotel room, provided by social operate after spending long periods of time in prison and later on the streets. He has a lady companion who visits regularly, they have cognise each other for over 5 years. Mr. Clarke has a health check history of hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, which was diagnosed 5 years ago and has been administering... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net
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