
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Us Involvement in Vietnam

U.S. Involvement in Vietnam By: Courtney Comstock The Cold state of war was a war that had legion(predicate) smaller battles that took place in it. The boilers conciliate two countries at war were the U.S. and the U.S.S. R. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. were at war because the U.S. had a capitalist political relation ran country, while the U.S.S.R. had a communist g overnment ran country. The Vietnam War that took place in the Cold War was that the northeast and South were carve up on the s horizontalteenth Parallel because of collectivism. many an different(prenominal) people ask the question, Why did the U.S. even care or so the Vietnam contest, let alone adjure a war in that respect? One power for U.S. booking in the Vietnam conflict was that the U.S. feared the domino possibleness. The eye mask Theory is where if one state falls to communism, then all the other states around it will fall into communism too. Because the U.S. feared this, they responded with con tainment. Containment means to glide by communism from spreading to other countries. other reason for U.S. pursuit is imperialism, which was remaining over from WWI and WWII. Imperialism is the desire to determine as many nations as possible. The Soviet due north not lone(prenominal) cherished to spread communism, but also motivationed to take over smaller countries, including Vietnam so that the Soviet wedding would have much power. The U.S. did not want communism to spread, nor did they want the Soviet Federal to do good more power than them. If the Soviet Union were to gain more power than the U.S., that power would allot the Soviet Union to take over. The last reason for U.S. involvement is nationalism, which was also left over from WWI and WWII. Nationalism is having pride in ones own nation. The U.S. wanted Vietnam to be qualified to have the peril of having nationalism, but something stood in the way. Communism had divided the countries of Vietnam, causing t hem to neer be able to have Vietnam pride. ! The U.S. got concern in the Vietnam conflict during the Cold War mainly for these three reasons: Fear of the Domino Theory,...If you want to get a extensive essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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