
Saturday, February 1, 2014

No Child Left Behind Act

IntroductionThe of 2001 was passed in the year 2001 by the House of Representatives . This is likewise fuck in the get together States as NCLB . This federal official righteousness was write in January the year 2002 . This law reauthorized various federal programs aimed at improving secondary and primary schools performance in the United States . This is by increasing the accountability commonplaces for schools , school districts and ironical lands This also includes providing assimilators p atomic number 18nts with the tractableness of choosing the schools that their tikeren brook attend . This also created an increased focus on knowledge (Howell , 2002In the NCLB legislation deals with theories of education reform that be standard base . Initially , it was known as an education that is government break based . T his is based on the belief that goal aspect and high expectation always results in the overall welter of student performance . It is a requirement in the act that an assessment criterion has to be given to students in peculiar(prenominal) grades (Fred , and Allan 2006 )This is in line with the basic skills that the students subscribe to acquired . In the NCLB , a subject ara achievement standard is non but earlier the standards are deal at the tell level . It is a requirement in the symbolize to distribute the student s particulars to the phalanx recruiters . Such teaching includes the address , telephone contacts and the names of either student . This has to be do unless the student s parents are not for it (Fred , and Allan , 2006Many people argument on the desirability and the effectiveness of the measures of NCLB . approximately of the critics say that NCLB receives a big role in cut back student learning and effective instruction . This is because it can define the distinguish to lower the necess! ary goals for achievement This can also play a big role in need teachers to raise out teaching to the test . Some scholars ramble that when arrogant testing is carried out , it provides data which helps in display the schools that are not teaching the basic skills quite efficaciously . This is done such that such interventions can be be shed in place to help in reducing the enterprisingness of achievement especially for the disadvantaged and the disabled students (Parkerson , 2001Quality of TeachersAccording to the No child Behind flirt , it is a requirement that all the teachers in primary and secondary schools be highly qualified . The Act stipulates that a highly qualified teacher is one that has the requirements of licensing and the state s certification . The teachers also moderate to demonstrate expertise in their fields or in their areas of specialization . Teachers have to have a minimum of a bachelor s degree The teachers who are new in profession have to demo nstrate knowledge in their teaching subject and also the necessary skills that bevel Such skills include writing , mathematics , arts and wrangling . These are areas that are quite basic in the terminate curriculum of elementary school . The middle and high school...If you requisite to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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