
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Civil War

Brandon Durr History 320 February 16, 2012 Dr. Hood Book Report 1: An American Iliad The Book An American Iliad, was written by Charles P. Roland, and published by the University Press of Kentucky in 2004. The structure of the book is describing war from somebody elses point of view. The beginnings main themes and arguments in this book are, the acres being at war with itself, why the American mannerly war was the first modern war, the most significant force battles, war leadership, and the resulting national ideals that emerged from the war. I will be twaddle of the town about all of these things in my book report. The author Charles P. Roland describes a nation at war with itself and stating that the obliging war was a war amidst the United States itself but in reality this war was still going on by and by the war was everyplace. The Civil War was a battle among the Confederates and the Union armies. Most people think that this war was in the main over sla genuinely but really it was over sla very(prenominal), trades and tariffs, and the dogma of states rights. The Confederates were the Southern part of the nation and the Union was the Yankee part. horizontal though I said slavery was not the notwithstanding part of the Civil War it might require been the biggest part. The Confederates were very much(prenominal) pro slavery, and the Union was not per severalise anti-slavery because Abraham capital of Nebraska had slaves and he was a Union leader, but they were against how the slaves were being do by in the sulphur compared to the north. some other tenableness the Civil War started was the fact of the north and the south having diametrical economies. The south was very much agricultural and required more than farming and things interchangeable that, which also is what made the slaves more useful in the south. In the North their economy was much more factory compulsive and things of that sort. The se economies being vastly different is one o! f the main reasons the Civil War started. Another reason was States Rights, examples of this would be the fact that new...If you indirect request to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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