
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Case Study

Case Study 1.1 1.a. Moral b. Non virtuous c. Moral d. Non honorable e. Nonmoral 2. toss away is a practice where, after one landed estate decl nuclear number 18s an item or substance to be unsafe, the confederation that engaged that item or substance swops it to other uncouth to reduce the fraternitys losses. An congressman would be that more than or less recycling companies in the U.S. be exporting electronic waste to China. This electronic waste contains materials that are toxic. near other example is where recalled medical devices and medications, such as heart valves and some forms of expect control are exported to other countries. Dumping raises moral issues. I imagine that we must ask ourselves if those who are receiving the dumped merchandise are fully aware of any medical or environmental terms that it may cause. I dont believe that all the information is given to these countrys governments, workers, and residents virtually the hazardous exp orts. If the information is not presented to them in a bureau that they can understand and share then it is a moral issue. An ethical relativist may say that dumping is price in the clears of the U.S. only because most people here view it as handle but that it is morally right if the country receiving the items says that it is morally right. 4. Dumping, though legal in some places, is immoral. The ruinous environmental and health impacts of these actions should be taken into consideration. It is morally wrong when we export hazardous materials to other countries for several reasons. First, if it is unfit for use in our country, it is unfair to allow other countries to be open(a) to the harm of these harvest-times. If I am concerned about a product harming my family, I should give that same consideration to a family in a third-world country. Dumping is done to benefit the company wanting to feel rid of the product for a profit. In my opinion, mankind safety is more important than profit. The! re are some moral considerations that support dumping products overseas...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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