
Monday, January 27, 2014

Which was a greater source for the Nigerian civil war also called the Biafran war: Amalgamation or Tribalism?

A: Plan of investigation Which was a greater bloodline for the Nigerian urbane war also called the Biafran war, Amalgamation or Tribalism?The war took put down at the blight of biafra and was between the Nigerian armed forces and the Biafran soldiers. The Biafrans were initially a contribution of Nigeria until, May 30 19671 when the leader of the eastern part of Nigeria, citing the northern massacres and fearing genocide title a seccession of the south-eastern region from Nigeria as a Republic of Biafra. The guide of the Federal Military government in Nigeria then attacked the southern and eastern region and so the Biafran war. This has unceasingly been blamed on the amalgamation of the rustic as citizens of the country have always complained that the British, knowing nonhing of the cultural and ethnic groups simply displace lines and borders and gave those regions surrounded by those borders label and expected them to be a country2. The civilians of Niger area as it was called complained that that was a humongous misunderstanding made by the British. However, the purpose of my essay is to prove an different possible undercoat for the Nigerian civil war, that is other than the amalgamtion of the country which is tribalism. With the help of a book called The making of a nation-Biafra by Arthur A. Nwankwo and Ifejika Samuel, I steer to point out that possibly the British are not the only iodines to blame for the difference but also the inhabitants of the country played an important parting in enhancing the hatred amongst one another. B: Summary of Evidence 1.         The creation of Nigeria. Nigeria had been a British colony from 1914-1960 1.British had come into Africa for trade but began to intrust during the fifties and in 1960 it decided to leave the country, If you want to cop a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net
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