
Friday, January 24, 2014

Sports Management

  SPT 111                                            NAME: ______________ Final Exam   For each of the answer, you should expect for round 1 page per question. Essay-   From the movie- 9-Innings to ground zero- answer the following questions- 30 Points   1.       If you were a sport manager, what would 3 major actions you would take during a crisis a lot(prenominal)(prenominal) as what happened for the Yankees.  Remember; keep this on the movie, not virtu aloney other situations. If I was a sport manager, one of the trey roughly major actions I would take during a crisis such as what happened for the Yankees would be donating money. I would donate money to the mess who woolly their loved ones during the attack to help them out financi eithery. nearly other affair I would do is bring the city to arouseher merely like the Yankees did. Bringing the community together in a magazine like 9/11 is a bully way to relieve stress for people. passel would feel more than safe and wouldnt develop to so much about what is venting on. Finally the third thing I would do some fund raisers. I would do these fund raisers and done all the money and add more money from the players and donate it to the families exile on by 9/11. 2.       How has the life of sport organizations changed spatial relation 9/11?  Give 3 ways that games have changed, in either a good way, or minus way. star of the three ways life of sport organizations changed pose 9/11 is people argon more venerating during the theme anthem. every sports organization plays the bailiwick anthem this instant in the first place every game. People be more respectful now. Everyone takes dour their hat or all items worn on their head. People are also much more quiet and are not disruptive during the national anthem. Secondly, there are more promotions of games on 9/11. Every proffesional sports team that plays o n 9/11 really takes the time to promote 9/11! . For an simulation this year the New York Jets really took the time to show bounty to those who lost a family or a friend during the 9/11 attack. They...If you want to get a full essay, show it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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