
Friday, January 24, 2014

Ronald Reagan

Born February 6th 1911, a boy that was destined to fellate the fortieth professorship of the United States of America, was born. Ronald Wilson Reagan was his name, and he was a foreign and clever little boy from the start. He was born in Tampico, Illinois in a house right above a general store, and and so by and by a few eld he moved with his family to town called Dixon that was a couple degree Celsius miles away from Chicago. During the Great Depression Reagans dad had to furnish off down his business of shoe selling, and find a new-fangled occupancy resultanting to something called the Great Deal. The Great Deal was a result of young Reagan and his father becoming passionate supporters of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and followers of his democratic Party. Years passed and Reagan received a well(p) scholarship, for his athletic abilities, to constantan College. After College Reagan jumped from job to job, until he managed to become a sports announcer and thence excel to be one of the best sports commentators over the succeeding(prenominal) four years. He then moved to California and save up a deal with Warner Brothers for his outstanding acting abilities. He appeared in many great films, nevertheless when the United States entered WWII Reagan joined the draw out Air Corps. He was later then discharged in late 1945, but continued to pursue his career in acting for years to come. Reagan was a loyal supporter of the democratic party, but after the forties he formally switched to the republican party. Reagan became a national figure in 1964 after he was approached multiple times in becoming the Governor of California, draw to his strong policy-making conversions, and he then quickly blot himself as one of the top break downing unbent policy-making figures. Reagan was an iconic governor, and then later challenged himself to run for president in 1975. He lost the presidency to President Ford, but that lead up to a series of events mak ing Reagan a stronger political leader. He t! hen ran against Jimmy Carter in 1980, and after boundless days and...If you want to get a full essay, hostel it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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