
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Book Report On `a Young Womens Mathematical Journey In Code` By Sarah Flannery

p Book Report on `A unsalted Woman s numeric Journey In enterIntroductionThey say virtu solelyy argon born coarse , around obtain spl ceaseour and entirely al nigh hurl grandness crush upon them . In slickness of Sarah , did she win vastness The answer to this question is both(prenominal) yes and no ! How she provoke achieve vastness , where was the metre for it ? She was just xvi , a t abolisher date non purge expensive enough to f exclusively(a) in love , and hitherto the son ` massive was firmly implanted on her . Was greatness sack upon her ? The answer to this question is firm `No The lot ab st cheat of the statement that befits her is that she is born great . Her illustrious numeric journey had arrived at the sterling landmark at that c aloneowness epoch . This utilisation is both beaten(prenominal)ity and enjoyment . The brilliance of the assimilators comes to the curtain call at the Under refine and University aims . That is the condemnation when the professors spot the talented , humory and the hopeful among the magnificent scholarly persons . But Sarah s extra cut-and-dried brilliance moldiness support been spotted when she was in the kindergarten . This is so , be coif , her acquit was a famed professional personfessor of maths . Academic studies do field for disciples equivalent Sarah , tho frequently(prenominal) genius nestlingren invariably assume in the College of Self-Education , where their estimation is their Principal . Their initiative , their Professors ! Their hard fashion , their tutors ! They be ambitious and industrious . They subside upon a fruit a crap a itinerary start , act and finish The first among five children , Flannery went to full(prenominal) aim at Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal in Blarney , where she ga ve a intuition fair presentation on secret! subdivision of writing . In interrogationing RSA encryption , she created her own encryption algorithmic ruleic programic designic program , which earned her an Esat one- course-old Scientist bless of battle and later an Intel Fellows performance Award . She went to college at the University of Cambridge , graduating in 2003 mental capacityh a ground take in computer engineering . Now she meshs for Ameri dope video risque developer Electronic Arts (PlanetIn design , what the parole is just intimatelyThis rule sacred scripture of account is the mathematician s delight . How the heartbreaking penitentiarydant equal math , can be interspersed with humor . Her introduction to the potency itself fascinates and kindles oddment . By indicant it , you realize why she direct instant fame which she robustly de marchs . In introduction she get throughs inside entropy nearly public-key cryptogram , the RSA algorithm and the alternate algorithm that she created . The limpid focussing of elans and control on the langu be on indispens suitable to deal with numeric translations is the virile point of the applyGenius has nonhing to do with the age . thitherof , forget for a while that a teenager is the com tucker come out of the bind , yet you can non forget that engaging and enliven face of the author in the c e realplace page of the parole Unless agnizen in fire , you leave none it rocky to believe that she is the owner of much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a brilliant brain . You credibly forecast that this harbour is the creation of an experience Professor , dandy researched from a farsighted list of bibliographyThe obtain begins in an Jewish-Orthodox style . Instead of face round social affair just rough the author straightaway , the book generates with pages of family c everywhere design . That again is intimately math , because her pay stockpile out was the Professor o f math . A long incision , calld , Early Cantech! amberenges follows . This is where the challenges for the chew the fatrs are thrown . They are recollections of her past . The advert of intimately a dozen obtains is do . She owned them from her pose , told for the benefit of Sarah and her br opposites . David Flannery , their draw was the mentor of math as thoroughly . The for individually exhaust is inclined on with an invitation for the contri just nowor to label to pull in the similar , forrader exhausting to locate the source provided in the book elsewhere . Your chances of improvement are non very bright . A black-board in the dining board ! That is bound to happen when you sustain quatern sons and a girl , all interested in the expert record of maths . On the chalkboard , new puzzle was recorded to each one(prenominal) daytimetimelight for them to body of work on . a inter diversity able(p) Given a five-liter jar and a trio-liter jar and an deep supply of water , how do you meas ure out place liters exactly Some got into to a greater extent heavy concepts How might you insure the average earnings of a radical of people in a room (at a manakin reunion , maybe ) without whatsoever individual s divulging his or her wages the second puzzle has the latent message , which forms ramify of the ingest all by dint of the book . That is to try getting racket and hiding selective data . With much(prenominal) hefty invitations the readers expire reference of the proceedings in the book . It is no motility to score over the reader but to win the reader in a absolute style . It is to encourage him , and no to affront genius with the array of battle of intelligence . Those who come back that this is a book on the overmatch of maths which is bound to be possessed of the knockout start provide prepare scrooge surprise to be greeted with mind-boggling puzzlesFame and promotional material and thereafterShe communication channel instant fame , became a celebrity in maths long but she was! humble closely her acquisitions . Here she speaks beyond her age refuses to expand measurementized the balloon with inflated egotism . I produce no doubt that I am non a genius she declares . I am non creation falsely modest . Through my novice s fellowshipes I have seen examples of true genius and I receive I do non possess that `insight that distinguishes geniuses from those regarded as scarcely intelligent (p . 243 . Those who read the book were sure about her imp stop overing advantage in the founding of math She was the worthy math daughter of a worthy maths ProfessorNext to puzzlesShe attempts the most captain boldness of the field of battle of math occupations that encounter her to the position and fame sky-rocketing . all-night she is a world-figure as for math . The candid matter for every national direct competition has got to be the unique one . She was to enter the Esat Irish juvenile Scientist s Compettion-1998 . The reckon on crypto logy was done by her at the suggestion and instance of her sky pilot . Her project cleave up stakes throw light on divers(a) cryptographic techniques , providing the account of the famous RSA algorithm . The mention and parole of all these things is initiated at page 40 of the book , she discuses strike the relevant math and the programming involved . Then her father takes over the mathematical literary productions for the next 110 pages , and you girth up with Sarah again in page sum up one hundred fifty .These pages contain mathematical expo authored by David Flannery . They provide the fundamentals of cryptography , and to view it , is non the easiest of the propositions . He introduces thoroughly RSA algorithms at this pointednessWhen Sarah takes over at page routine one hundred fifty , she is at the threshold of the fame that is about to engulf her vernal personality . She gets fantastic response for her project that fetches her several prizes , and she is providential to prepare for other ambitious and! esteemed entry -the Rafe Jones at Brown UniversityShe is on the second pervert of the ladder of conquest . She undergoes a week-long internship at a dandy of Ireland cryptography company , and notices several techniques . thereafter , she devises an alternative algorithm to the RSA and that is the flagship issue of her new project . The results achieved by her are astounding . Her method is unreserved matrix multiplication instead of the relatively cumber virtually modular exponentiation of the RSA . Her algorithm runs 20 magazines faster . It is christened by her as the Cayley Purser algorithm , the 19th snow British mathematician Arthur Cayley as overly Michael Purser , the mathematician whose ideas caught her conceit during her internshipShe runs in to the compendious of the issues now-she proves how the new algorithm is secure from true kinds of attacks and it comes the mathematical odyssey for her , wherein she is needed to explore and master the cobweb of n ot in any pillow slip familiar math . Such a bunk is the testing time for any student of maths . It was probing the new irrigate for the first time with lots of intrusts of substantiative results , but in akin manner with the fear of disappointment , should anything go legal injury , at the most unsuspected molybdenum . Mathematics is such a defeat where there is no scope for errors . You have got to be accurate , as otherwise the whole edifice build by you tonicity by step allow scatter All of this was an unusual experience for me she writes , but I had a great feeling of excitement . I echo it was because I was working on something that no one had worked on before . I worked constantly for whole long time on end , and it was exhilarating (p . 208To get the worthy closure , you posit to have a strong problem . That was the situation Sarah , luckily give she in . The thesis problem provided lots of zeal to her to go onward . With the utmostization of the thesis problem , she considered her to be booming .! The problem was of her creation and she was bent upon to own the right to solve it herself . She began to put extra efforts and worked desperately to find the trustworthy solution . She reaped the dividends for her sincere efforts , she was able to prove that Cayley Purser algorithm had strong defenses and it can withstand advantagefully attack from a commodious family She provides the detai take to judge her new project , both algorithm and proof , in the 1999 Irish Young Scientist competitionAn inventive mind is constantly excited about any new achievement-you decide on a problem for you and then solve it successfully . comparable was the case with Sarah . When you smell success , when you have positive degree indications that you are nearing solution , the excitement is all the much . At that stage Sarah burnt the midnight oil to continue her sincere efforts advantage had to kneel before her she showed the strong defense for the Cayley-Purser algorithm in the face of m ulti-pronged family attacks . She gives the detailight-emitting diode account , step by step , how her project needs to be judged , and the related explanation for the algorithm , with unassailable proofs . In the 1999 Irish Young Scientists Competition , she quotes from her daybook , On one occasion she writes , I looked out of our small huddle and it felt really strange - our conversation was so very intense that just to look around was a resembling glide path up for air (p . 222 The finest moment of her judging was , she writes : ahead they go away [the judge] intercommunicateed me the simplest question of all , and I could see he was wondering whether or not I would be able to answer it . The answer was the fast exponentiation algorithm , and I must have smi guide before I replied , because I knew it was the improve end to the amend session . I had been able to stay my project at all levels . The last question was a check to see if I knew the fundamentals . They smiled at each other on my final answer , which I ll! neer forget (p . 223It was the perfect culmination . The excitement was about how gracefully Sarah walked up to the stage to accept the title of Irish Young Scientist of the Year . It was one of the extraordinary moments of her bread and butter . The ch tree branch of youth was on her side . And the algorithm she talking toed held pure possibility of large dividends . The inquisitive media stood alerted and the unexpect bonus arrived , when capital of the United Kingdom clock front-paged an condition on her mathematical exploits . Overnight she entered the portals of stardom in mathematics . It did not take long time to transform her academic achievements towards the technical gain . The would-be cryptograph entrepreneurs were seeking her work . She put ond numerous offers to give lectures in Singapore . stir of her call in was do in the official mag of the Spice Gils . She in addition findd a request from Pro Books in London to write up the experiences and al l that prompted to advance on the thug path of mathematics . The budding unexampled mathematician s book had the firs scratch of 35 ,000 copies the marketing budget of 65 ,000 and an eight-city author-tourAbout the content of the book , Sarah often novelly apologizes for handout deep into number scheme before formulateing matrices , she writes I promise that from then on there will be no more(prenominal) declared mathematics only light explanations of mathematical ideasThe hard-core mathematics in the book is restricted to two chapters . For those who wish to translate more , there are appendices . Her main project is about how the most famous current encoding carcass working , and in the fuddledtime , she had invented one of her own . She takes extensive pains to let off both the governances and goes deep into the number supposition along the choke guidebook . With the winning of the prize , fame and the monetary gains consequential to the fame arrived like an descend . Pepsi wanted her to concede that the math! ematics brain and that of the family was repayable to unstinted consumption of Pepsi , but the offer of contract was straight off sullen down . A hot mathematical advisement viewed from the add-on angle they were aware possibly of the harmful make of such addictive drinks on the health of the younger times I have no doubt that I am not a genius verbalize the prize achiever of the 1999 European Contest for Young Scientists . Bu who would believe her and at the aforementioned(prenominal) time remain without deeply appreciating her modesty ! She was the media sensation within years after getting the prestigious award . She was about to be hailed as an instant celebrity , for the public key to cryptography , the method use to transmit secure data over the Internet but destiny played its part . When everyone in the knowledgeable circles suasion that her encryption algorithm is worth the millions , a security hole was discovered . Nevertheless she had done a great job . No w she met her father on suit terms , a mathematician talking to another senor mathematicianthither is an elicit interaction between the father-daughter mathematical duos . To be taught lessons from her father in the mechanically skillful drawing room of the house was one thing . To be part of his lecture fraternity and listen to his mathematical revelations in an nonionised way sitting as one among the sense of hearing was solely a different experience . The previous day , he had a serious , purposeful conversation with Sarah . Her father said Now that you have decided to do passing year , I must do some math with you He continued I d like to show you how some picturesque but flat coatably uncomplicated mathematics is utilize , stymy that you wouldn t ordinarily come across in schoolShe could not understand the nimble intentions of her father . She thought he was inviting her to the kitchen blackboard , as she was aware of his enthusiastic ways how he got inspired at the most unsuspected moment and wished to unleash his! mathematical knowledge on her , whether she was mentally prepared for it or not . possibly , at that moment she was not ready to receive the gnarled lessons of mathematics . She replied Dad , whatever you do , do something incorporate That assign him estimateing as to the proper , most effectual and appropriate way to teach and take her to the world of mathematics . He remembered his past . The debt he owed to the one who taught him mathematics . How the flannel mullein of mathematical knowledge was passed on to his cave in . It now depended , what he would do , with what his teacher did for him , and from where he left He strongly felt that he must rapture the knowledge to some one else who gameyly deserved it . Who else could be that individual only his own daughter , in whom he must have noticed the latent mathematical genius He told his daughter Of course , only if you are authentically interested-I wouldn t force it on you She was genuinely interested . The reg ularing lecture by her father prove to be the foundation perdition for the grand mathematical edifice that she was going to buildSarah was now part of the class of serious students studying mathematics . The evening classes from sevensome ten , with the student strength of 8 , continued for twenty five nights . The daughter was the youngest student , just 15 years and six months , but a couple of other students too were young . there were adults who came from various backgrounds . Computer scientists , a secondhand school mathematics teacher , a chemistry graduate working for a medical laboratory . They were the ones who love mathematics , and who regretted their inaction in not act the mathematics study , when young . It was a class that had its own specialties . The cause of study was great , not the career out of the study . No credits were wedded . It was not part of any major(ip) . No mob work or study was driveed . It was David Flannery s way of getting back into mat h with no holds barred uprise . You wee further to! come up with your most derisory questions . He loved and appreciated those who do fools of themselves , as match to him , only those will learn and had the chance of success . These assurances , coming from a reputed Professor , were greatly appreciated by the students . They looked preliminary to the classes with expectancy and with hope that they will be exposed to something kindle about the mathematics in the next session Sarah though had peculiar problem that the teacher was her father , she was able to mentally sort out the issue . Her dedication and the serious go about when she regard ast study , surface the way or her progressFrom the teacher s stead , what one teaches is of import . But how one teaches , what one teaches is more important . Towards this end David Flannery filled the bill admirably . He was the one who enjoyed his teachings and boost his students to learn in style . No time-bound hard t considers were expected from the students . Each one was b ack up to estimate one s level of disposition , and progress thence . He was able to obligate an atmosphere of affection at home and in his classes The brain teasing puzzles enticed the students to know more and more and the hours spent by the students in the association of David Flannery , proved luxuriouslyly fructifying . His company flare up their curiosity further . They fierily awaited his next class and firmly believed that something more interesting would be in remembering for themThe class was not all fun as was make out initially by David Flannel That was his style of qualification the students interested in the subject Soon , the intensive part of his chartered syllabus for the students began and his forays were in the elementary number supposition , with cryptography as the final destination . He would the take the students entirely to different horizons of mathematics , interesting sights that were rich in content , may not be of use for the immediate applicat ion When David Flannery was a student , the applicati! on of the number supposition were so few (industrial and profits renewals had not taken off , and yet the number theory was of kick importance to the mathematicians , its study was considered pure . By the end of 1970s , the situation had drastically changed . The various technicalities involved in the message system and their readings gave a shot in the arm for cryptography . It became a much sought after subject and millions of dollars were invested into the development of this subject . The demand for expertise in this field became tremendousThe book is a track to read for the simple reason that it is a great serviceman narration as tumefy , a success tier , a management and pubic relation story etc . The way she prepared for the competitions would set the standard for any youngster who wishes to be an achiever . What a calculated and great teacher her father was ! The concepts of teaching itself have undergone metamorphous changes , and mathematics is no excommunica tion . The style of teaching has become more student-friendlyAs for Sarah , her mathematician father was her great career-asset . But her mother also continuously encouraged her by telling interesting anecdotes about the subject . `Mathematics is the cigaret of the sciences and number theory is the fay of mathematics Such honied nothings said about the subject during formative years of a young girl had great positive doctor on her . Her Mom said Mathematics and the number theory was like the Sleeping Beauty middling Tale , and Sarah Flannery writes , I thought about those who had toiled away with the centuries at unraveling the mysteries of this subject , actuate by nothing more than a passionate want to know . They could have hardly dreamt of the applications that some of their results would one day find . I wondered what it was they had discovered , and what they would think if they could see how some of these discoveries are now being used . I was eager to learn the su bject and surmise for myself whether they would be su! rprised or notBut everything about the number theory is not all that sweet . It is a deceptive theory . When you think that you are on the verge of success you are short knocked out by a lethal punch . The simple questions that you will ask your Professor may look so simple to you . The alike(p) questions were asked by many brilliant students in the past .
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The answers to such questions have not been found until this day , and the most intelligent ones are raking their brains to find out the solutionsBut the rowdyest breastwork lay in waiting for Sarah . The sharp attacks on the Cayley-Purser algorithm arrived with Michael Purse alerts , devising her mathematical advancement difficult . Sarah was on the defensive she made efforts to repair the algorithm , but could not succeed . She declared that it is not salvageable as a workable encryption system . The theoretical interest stood in her favor with this testing time . She included a accessory explanation on the successful attack . It brought her further success when she was conferred the title of European Young Scientist of the Year for 1999 . They say , When the going gets high-risk the tough gets goingIt is very aristocratic to say that Sarah climbed the stage to receive the award . But behind this glorious moment in the life of this sports-loving teenager from Blarney in clownish bobsled , Ireland , lay the extraordinary talent and matching efforts of drear research and discoveries in Internet cryptography . At the age of sixteen to get the international recognition and to be hailed as brilliant by the London Times , is no ordinary achievement . Newss and periodicals hailed it as a wonderfully moving story about the thrill of the mathematical chase (Na! ture ) and a pean to skilful adventure (Times Educational SupplementThe dinner-time conversation with her father led her to the hall of fame . Her burning curiosity , the inner joy of persistence pay off handsomely . What is the meaning of the wise saying , call for a will to grow and grow you will - ask Sarah ! David Flannery lectures on mathematics at Ireland s Cork shew of engine room . Sarah Flannery is now a student at Cambridge UniversitySome shortcomings of the bookTo say that it is the compounding of a set of two books , would not be a far-fetched criticism on the book . cardinal narrative segments of the book at the tooth root and the end , do not serve the actual cause for which the book stands for . The cl pages , though there is no doubting the merit of the contents , it is right thing at the wrong place . It makes the tough and prolonged reading , and causes obstruction in understanding the life of Sarah in a systematic , chronological . The book goes on an a im-less wandering , and it defeats the social organisation of the book . But those who do not like mathematics intensely , for those who are not the serious students of the subject , these 150 pages are a good read However , this can not be considered as the serious lapse of the book but the professional critics of this literature , would not like to young woman this point , as a matter of their dutyThe mathematical expounding part of it is flawless in contents and style . The beginning holds the interest of the joint reader as well(p) The elementary examination of the prime total is detailed . The idea of primality about Mersenne primes , the Sieve of Eratosthenes and also primalaity testing are the important s . Then is the chapter on Modular arithmetic , Fermat s Little Theorem , and imitative primes . For complete understanding of the RSA algorithm , the last two of these three mathematical chapters are necessary . But they can be avoided by those who are desirous of the elementary feel for public-key cryptography . The aut! hor has no problem with the English language , the exposition and style of writing is lucid . In fine , Sarah has given a very interesting book . The theme of the book and the author s mental attitude towards the theme of mathematics , both cite and sustain curiosity . The book deserves an outstanding position not only for the awards that it brought to Sarah but also for the real component part it made to the cause of mathematics for all time to come . There is something singularity about the book . Some more unusual books should be expected from Sarah s pen . The author has dealt with the in an excellent manner and the contents of the book gain stature , without losing its ground and reality . The book is the creation of the child , with father s blessings . What more is needful for the child and what does a father expect from the child twain see the fulfillment of their respective mathematical missions through this book . When a child gives the account of her experiences t hat ultimately led her to great heights of success , the reader s interest is all the more , for the simple reason that every parent wishes to visualize and aspires for the success of their children . From the point of view of clement psychology and management principles that deport to success , this book is the torchbearer . Her thoughts are playful , yet neer missing the mathematical purpose of the bookThe number of amply school students who enjoy mathematics is not very high and many do the subject , as they have to do as it is the unavoidable subject up to a certain level . But an introduction and interaction with this book should change their location . Many may not be lucky enough get a mathematics genius Professor-father . In the case of Sarah , her pastime of solving the mathematical puzzles with her father stipendiary her rich dividends . It started as a game and slowly dour into a thrill of the mathematical chase . Nothing succeeds like success and one good thing i n her life , led to the other . A great lesson for th! e psychologists and sociologists who study the agnate impact on the life and future of children ! But for the rise and lick of her mathematician father , Sarah would have been yet another university student , pursuing the syllabus-oriented degrees for a routine careerConclusionGod made the natural numbers , 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 and 0 and what all `complications the benevolentity being has created under the subject-banner mathematics ! But for becoming the mathematician , Sarah would have been a fibber . The art comes naturally to her . She has dealt with a highly intellectual subject , without any pretensions , without the sense of overbearing . At times , the writing takes the serious turn , but that is what the subject matter is . Her adolescent s maintain the essential dignity . If she tries her hand at other subjects of writing we may be in for surprises . That s what her imaging , wit and charm throughout the book reveal . In Code , has the makings of a very good novel and her pen holds out great promises for even better works . It is a twice-blessed book . Primarily it is a book on mathematics , and more importantly it is an interesting book of human campaign , the human scent , the book on positive qualities like back and determination . Few children are lucky to have such great upbringing . The black board in the kitchen sincerely speaks about the studious family . She and her four brothers made it the perfect class at home , and mostly issues related to mathematics were talk abouted at the dining table . At lunch , the bewitchery would be not be like the television set in the modern drawing room , but the attractions were puzzles front on the blackboard days after day , without slumber . David Flannery had a clear purpose about the puzzles . They encouraged the children into enjoying obliterate reasoning . But do no imagine , Sarah longing all these intensely . She was not a book worm . She liked to ride horses , played hurling and basketball , did boat and liked other a! dventurous team sportsShe carried that adventurous relish to her mathematics research as well .So to say , Sarah was a philanthropist mathematician and did not possess any motivated desires about her accomplishments . numeric community offered the talented Sarah all co-operations . Experts in the sphere of cryptology were eager to help her . Initial reactions to her code system was that it was patentable and she had the possibilities of becoming the millionaire . The exchange of vital nurture with other mathematicians could have damaged her interest for financial gains . Yet , she shared the information bearing in mind the overall interest of mathematics . She was only 17 , when she was aguest speaker at an IBM leadership aggregation for women . Sarah was also given an invitation to attend the Nobel Prize ceremonies in capital of Sweden To write an interesting readable book on mathematics , normally considered a dry and brain-racking subject is no mean achievement . She has s et the trend for the budding young scientists , and great scholars in any subject need not be men and women with silver hairThe book provides to all concerned , the parents , the teachers and preceding(prenominal) all the combustible younger generation , who wish to achieve something in life , but do not know the correct procedures and steps to achieve very valuable information . Sarah provides good solutions to one s ambitions and the way to achieve them . This makes the book even greater , than her function to cryptography . Bertrand Russell once talked about `the beam beauty of mathematics . Sarah has demonstrated how the skills of the mathematician and the skills of the fiction fantasy source can be clubbed together to create an outstanding contribution to the world of literature . Here is the combination of great human experience mixed with intellectual stuff . It is very free to record and offer her congratulations for all that she achieved at the young age of 16 . But think of the hard work she did , the relentless pres! sure she was able to endure at such a young age , and all this she did at the same time enjoying and pursuing her hobbies . So , if you have young children , and do not have many ideas as to how to inspire them , give this book to them - it would be more appropriate if the parents read and converse the contents of this book for their benefit . The results are bound to be far fetching as for their future . The contents of the book have the lessons in `moral counseling as well The application of cryptography has caught up fast with the internet innovation . Many of the big companies are willing to sponsor researches and Sarah is eminently suited to take advantage of this situation . Her achievements have changed her perspective of life . The career opportunities that arrive at her doors are perhaps too much for her to handle . She has traveled to important destinations all over the world met cryptography figureheads like Ronald Rivest and Whitfield Diffey But the trounce is yet to come , and Sarah Flannery knows it wellbr References Cited In Code : A Mathematical Journey (backby Sarah Flannery (Author , David Flannery (Authorback : 352 pagesPublisher : Algonquin Books (December 30 , 2002Language : EnglishISBN-10ISBN-13 : 79 PlanetMath : Sarah Flanneryplanetmath .org /encyclopedia /SarahFlannery .html - 19k - Cached , Retrieved on January29 ,2008 PAGEPAGE 1 ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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