
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Which Witch Is Which

Witch. A word commonly used derogatorily. Over time, witches extend with been portrayed in many different ways. From Hollywood movies to stories and legends, witches images go been changed frequently.                  During the Salem Witch Trials, witches were being hung because of their alleged association with the devil. Because of events frolic this, witches have received a knotty account. Through legends and stories, this reputation has seemed to be established.         In The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the due west was an evil and disturbing character. She was highly feared, very mean, and allergic to water. She did everything she could, from arise the scarecrow on fire, to sending her monkeys to try to keep Dorothy from getting home.         Not all witches are evil. In the blockbuster shake headway Practical Magic, Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman play the roles of unspoiled witches, e xclusively are looked down upon because of ignorance in their community.
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In the end, the townsfolk got fewtime(prenominal) the stereotype of witches being bad, and instead of fearing the unknown, they celebrated the understood.         No issue how witches are portrayed, there will always be round controversy as to what their intentions may be. If we keep an open brainiac and accomplish to understand them better, maybe someday we can annihilate their bad reputation. If you want to get a full essay, arrange it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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