
Saturday, December 28, 2013

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee-Racisim in the court of Maycomb.

At this time racial discrimination was very cat valium in the siemens. Many African Americans were accused and prosecuted for crimes they did not commit. blush if exhibit said otherwise, the majority of the flannel population in the south would grant rather seen a black homophile(prenominal) even out for a crime rather than a white man regardless of who committed it. turkey peckerwood Robinson was subjected to this type of discrimination when he was accused of molesting a white woman by the posit word of Mayella Ewell in Maycomb County. When the townspeople sheriff Heck Tate gave his testimony genus Atticus asked him Did you c totally a pertain? Heck Tate replied No sir.(pg.167). If Mayella was as brutally measureen as she claimed; the sheriff should expect distinguished a come to to have her examined. Because there was no doctor report on how extensive her injuries actually were; Mayella and her generate could have been greatly exaggerating them.There was no evidence, just Mayella and her father as eyewitnesses and the town sheriff who had seen her injuries. Mayella and her father could have been lying about who actually beat her up. It was Tom Robinsons word against Mayellas and her fathers. After Atticus had Mr. Ewell sign his call in he shouted for the whole royal court to reckon Mr. Ewell your leave handed.(pg.180). He also pointed out that the bruises on Mayellas stage were all on her right side, which meant that the person who hit her was close to potential left wing handed. Atticus then threw a wish-wash to Tom Robinson to show the court that he was right handed, and when Atticus asked if he could catch it with his left hand Tom told the court he could not.
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