
Thursday, December 26, 2013


Wolseys greatest achievement was replacing the traditional fifteenths and tenths system of appraise to a system that was fairer to people in comparison to what they earned. It was strand on the amount people could afford to pay. Commissioners went round and assessed the wealth of people around the country, then greater taxes were placed on the rich. Between 1513 and 1516 the subsidy raised 170000 while fifteenths and tenths raised provided 90000. ---------------------- In 1523 Wolsey demanded 800000 in taxation from parliament. Parliament didnt like his stance and the mood in which he asked for the coin, and he gained much little than he asked for. The neighborly Grant February 1525 After Charles captured Francis in the affair of Pavia 1525 , total heat wanted to capture France. The crown was short on money so Wolsey demanded a special, individual tax called the Amicable Grant. This was another(prenominal) tax on top of the taxes that had been paid in the suffer three years. The Grant was met with violent refusal, and there were rebellions crosswise Suffolk and due east Anglia. The nobles of those places tried to help put the rebellions down, but the spontaneousness of the uprisings showed undecomposed how unhappy people were with Wolseys policy. It was abandoned in whitethorn 1525.
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aw hydrogen the eight and Wolsey when it came to police force and site within England and Wales, Henry cardinal had no choice but to trust those who he intelligibly showed he had little trust of. Henry was base in London and parts of his kingdom were days international in terms of communication. Henry had to trust his nobles to enforce law and order and he came to the simple conclusion t! hat what was good for Henry was withal good for the nobility at a topical anesthetic and regional level. A rebellion against the king would almost for accepted also be a challenge against a topical anaesthetic landowner or regional magnate. Ironically, Henry had to verify on those he trusted least to enforce law and order. topical anaesthetic issues were dealt with by the local nobleman. This...If you want to mystify a honest essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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