
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Huckleberry Finn And The Jungle

in that respect ar ii refresheds that can be compared and dividing sourceed to one an opposite(prenominal) in much(prenominal) a way that they contain similarities and deflections in their content. They may be compared and billeted to to all(prenominal) one other by examining the lives, behaviors, and fates of the characters or through the plot, ideas, and climb of the young. These two novels that contain several similarities as well as differences in the characters are The Adventures of hucka O.K.leberry Finn (AHF) by pull in ones horns Twain (MT) and The Jungle (TJ) by Upton Sinclair (US). Although to all(prenominal) one novel takes arrange in various parts of the Continental United States and during diverse time, both(prenominal) novels possess similar, and alike, incompatible characteristics mingled with the characters. Characters such(prenominal) as dogged buck Grangerford (AHF) can be compared and contrasted to undersize Antanas Rudkus (TJ) , so as bally(a) shame Jane Wilks (AHF) to Marija Berczynskas (TJ). There in addition contains a link and peradventure a variance in the ideas of a bike existence completed amidst the protagonists huckleberry Finn (AHF) and Jurgis Rudkus (TJ). The first two characters that are spillage to be described with similar characteristics are the meekly characters named film Grangerford and teensy Antanas Rudkus. dash was the youngest son of the Grangerford family who became a genuinely scrawny frigoal to huck upon meeting. Little Antanas was Jurgis and Onas only offspring. mavin unadorned resemblance mingled with these two characters was that they both were boys and were young. This, though, is very isolated and non clayey enough of a concrete similarity. genius concrete similarity is that both of these characters shared a fate, which were very similar to individually other inside the novels. This fate was that they both had died at heart each of the novels. scud was killinged within the feud in t! he midst of the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons enchantment little Antanas was killed when he drowned in the flooded driveway outside the widows hearth. In The Jungle, Marija states, Its Antanas. Hes dead. He was drowned out in the passageway(Sinclair 209). As these minor characters had died, their death causes an inner loss to each of the protagonists in the novels. Huck leaves with a sense of sorrow and also Jurgis, as he leaves the town quietly and proficient boards onto the train. In AHF, Huck says: The boys jumped for the river-both of them hurt- and as they swum down the current the men pack along the fix shooting at them and chattering out, decimate them, kill them! It do me so sick I just slightly knock off out of the tree. I aint a- handout to tell all that happened-it would coif me sick again if I was to do that. I wished I hadnt ever come ashore that night to pay heed such things. I aint ever going to get shut of them-lots of multiplication I dream about them ¦ I was mighty low; so I made up my mind I wouldnt ever go anear that manse again.(Twain146) He says this while sit up on a tree and watching the real(a) competitiveness go on, and because of this, he leaves and never wants to return to the Grangerfords home. .         As these two characters may uph antiquated similarities, they also accommodate differences, which contrast them from each other. Their documentation conditions of their homes were very different. Apart from the fact that the setting of the two novels took place within different time periods, each of their homes were different in terms of their modus viv stopping pointi in contrast to their society at their time. Little Antanas lived in very low conditions and in a very filthy place that was nigrifyened and in the stockyards. On the other hand, Buck lived in a very gorgeous firm as Huck state: Well, as I was facial expression about the parlor, in that location wa s bonnie curtains on the windows; white, with pictur! es painted on them of castles with vines all down the walls ¦ There was a little old piano, too, that had tin pans in it, I reckon, and nonhing was ever so lovely as to instruct the young lady sing ¦ The walls of all the rooms was plastered, and most had carpets n the floors, and the whole house was whitewashed on the outside.(Twain 132) Bucks home was very luxurious in contrast to other homes and intentstyles during that time. another(prenominal) different aspect between them was their character. Buck lived with an urge to kill the enemy and go aft(prenominal) the Shepherdsons while little Antanas lived gibe to the joys of manners. He was a fun and prankish boy and as Jurgis describes, ¦ these papers [newspapers] had pages lavish of comical pictures, and these were the of import joy in life to little Antanas(Sinclair 207).         As in that respect were similarities and differences between Buck and little Antanas, in that respect were also ones be tween bloody shame Jane Wilks and Marija Berczynskas. bloody shame Jane is the eldest daughter of the departed George Wilks, and Marija is Onas cousin. both of these women are considered to be very strong and have pride in themselves and in their family. With this pride, they wanted to protect their family and business organization for them with what they are able to do. Mary Jane wanted to protect her family by taking out the sullen heirs (the Duke and Dauphin), and Marija wanted to protect and aid the family, even until the peculiarity of the novel. When Jurgis visits Marija in the Brothel, she states, I had to live, and I couldnt see the children starve(Sinclair 286). This carrys how much she cares for the family. both(prenominal) of these womens lives are also being interpreted past from them by an opposing element. For Marija, the whole society during the industrial Revolution is make her life to be taken away from her and her family. How she is cheated, u sed, and is left to pose a prostitute. The Duke and! Dauphin are cheating Mary Jane when they are taking the families and her house, money, and everything in it away. As stated by Huck, ¦ and the king told him [the Dauphin] everything, just like the young fellow [Rever dying Elexander Blodgett] had express it-every last boy of it(Twain 206). The Duke was explaining whole situation to the Dauphin and how they were planning to antic Mary Jane. Both of these characters fates are also unknown towards the end because the novel discontinues what happens to them.
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The readers do not know what happens to Mary Jane after the whole possibility and what happens after Jurgis talks to Marija at the end.         These characters a lso have reliable differences between them, which sets them apart from each other. One obvious difference is that Mary Jane is a minor character expressed in only one of the little traveling episodes of the picaresque novel AHF while Marija is mentioned all over TJ and is considered a major character. The promote Mary Jane is being cheated by is solved, while, for Marija, it is not and she continues to battle Packingtown and the lifestyle there. What one should note is that Mary Jane is living in good conditions while Marija is living in a harsh life of painting cans and later on ahead(p) into prostitution. While taking a walk with Ona, Jurgis describes Packingtown: ¦ Bare places were full-grown up with dingy, color weeds, hiding innumerable tomato cans ¦ there were mountains and valleys and rivers, gullies and ditches, and great hollows full of stinking green water ¦ The line of buildings stood clear-cut and black against the sky; here ant there out of the big money r ose the great chimneys, with the river of mint strea! ming away to the end of the world.(Sinclair 33-34)         There are not only similarities and differences in characters within a novel, but there are also ones between the ideas and plots. In both of these novels, the protagonists seem to complete a circle within the plot. In AHF Huck goes through a musical rhythm of settled life therefore through adventure, then standwards to settle life. In TJ Jurgis goes through the cycle of being broad-minded and liking his life leading to the actions of acting as a beast, then back to being broad-minded yet about the socialistic movement. Both tend to be different in such a way that they end differently. As Jurgis life is turned around by the end of the cycle (since he is being a part of the socialist movement), Hucks life is returned back to how it was in the beginning of the novel. Huck goes back to the calm and drilling life as he states, ¦ aunty Sally shes going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I cant stan d it. I been there onward(Twain 372)         The lives, behaviors, and fates of these characters truly are affected by society and by each other, giving them several similarities and differences within the novel. As this novel progresses, so do the characters and their lives. Characters possess similarities and differences such as Buck Grangerford and little Antanas Rudkus, Mary Jane Wilks and Marija Berczynskas, and the cycles of Huck Finn and Jurgis Rudkus. These ideas show that there are similarities and differences in both of the novels and many others promulgated today, as long as the reader examines and thinks closely. Works Cited Twain, Mark. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. in the raw York: Bantam Books, 1981 Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle. New York: Signet Classic, 1906 If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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