
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Galaxies are colliding

Studying several tens of unlike galaxies, an international team of astronomers represent that galaxies had the equal amount of dark-skinned matter relative to stars 6 cardinal years ago as they have now. If confirmed, this suggests a very much closer interplay betwixt dark and mean(prenominal) matter than previously believed. The scientists also set in motion that as umteen as 4 protrude of 10 galaxies are out of balance. These results shed a new light on how galaxies miscellany and evolve since the earthly concern was only half its actual age. This may imply that collisions and unify are important in the formation and evolution of galaxies, express Francois Hammer, Paris Observatory, France, and one of the leaders of the team. The scientists were interested in purpose out how galaxies that are farthermost away - thus seen as they were when the Universe was younger - evolved into the ones nigh. In particular, they wanted to study the grandeur of dark matter in galaxies. Dark matter, which composes about 25% of the Universe, is a simple tidings to describe something we really dont understand, utter Hector Flores, co-leader. From looking at how galaxy rotates, we know that dark matter must be present, as otherwise these vast structures would just dissolve.
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In nearby galaxies, and in our own Milky mood for that matter, astronomers have found that on that point exist a affinity amid the amount of dark matter and medium stars: for all(prenominal) kilogram of stuff and nonsense within a star there is roughly 30 kilograms of dark matter. But does this relation between dark and ordinary matter still hold in the Universes past? This needful measuring the velocity in diametric parts o! f distant galaxies, a rather tricky investigate: previous measurements were and then unable to probe these galaxies in enough details, since they had to select a single slit, If you want to get a full essay, rate it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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