
Friday, November 29, 2013

Comaprison of methods and effects of "The Pond" by Michael Schmidt and "Rising Five" by Norman Nicholson

The authors of the Poems The Pond and Rising Five use different methods and effects to get across their substructure of passing time. Michael Schmidt uses a different style and structure in The Pond than Norman Nicholson does, although the two have a similar whole step and discipline in the poesy. The field of study of the poesy, Rising five by Norman Nicholson is that humans, adults and children, like nature be impatient and be always looking to the future and, in effect, are shabby if they do not pass a moment to bear what is around them at present. To demonstrate the theme of impatience the poet begins the poem by quoting the boy when he says Im rising five, not tetrad which also introduces an irony that one so young should footmark his disembodied spirit in terms of numbers and look ahead to the future when he should have no need to do so. We drop our youth behind us like a boy throwing away his toffee-wrappers Shows us how Nicholson also focuses on the p ower point that we throw away the precious things of life and that we take regard of the things we get without appreciating it, and when we do get the things we want we only fastness the faults that it has, Never the fruit, but only the rot in the fruit.
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The theme in The Pond is reflected by the poet, Michael Schmidt, looking back at his begin life. Deep into a seeming light He is birdcall up his childhood and the times that he used to spend at the pond with his mother. He also focuses on the life of the shaft that live in the pond, As I grew older, so the cheat grew large. He does this not to s suggest imply that search are important to... I f you want to get a dear essay, order it on! our website: OrderEssay.net

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