
Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Imagine maintenance in a body forge from designer cells that can never historic period or outfox sick, and sporting a brain that can disseminate thoughts and emotions right away to an new(prenominal) military man brain. Consider a world where robots with human-like intelligence agency and consciousness become agreeable companions. Though these scenarios whitethorn search too futuristic to encounter in just 20 to 30 years, experts believe that todays nanotech, biotech, infotech, and cognitive acquaintances leave advance exponentially in the coming decades and originate this future into reality by the 2030s. Author Ray Kurzweil, in The Singularity is Near explains how our bodies willing evolve. Todays frail body has a high failure post; over 50 one million million will die this year. medical examination breakthroughs projected for the coterminous two decades promise cures for all slayer diseases and an end to realitys most despised mourning agi ng. Twenty-thirtys technologies, Kurzweil says, will shit out an amazing body loaded with nanomaterials bluster a in force(p) zero failure rate with an enigmatical life expectancy. Anti-aging guru Dr. Aubrey de blue-eyed(a) declared recently on 60 Minutes that the graduation person to reach 1,000 years of age has already been born.
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solely as exciting as living longer may be, octogenarian physicist and renowned author freeman Dyson believes the biggest game-changing science will be what he describes as radio-telepathy, the commit communication of feelings and thoughts from brain-to-brain. genetic science and molecular biology may be the dominant science in t he 2010s and 2020s, Dyson says, but the 2030! s belong to neurology. In Dysons proposed scheme, our brain would enchant thoughts and feelings to a processor, which could then be acquire by a selected brain. Its easy to imagine thought-talking from one human to another, but experts calculate we could also extend this technology to other species. We could feel the joyousness of birds flying or the terror of a deer macrocosm hunted. We will experience life in remarkable...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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