
Saturday, October 26, 2013

More We Progress, More We Get

Nowadays, urbaniztion becomes as one of the most important things in the world. As a developing realm, Malaysia has progressed in many atomic outcome 18as such as agriculture, education and industry. The progress brings a set of negative effect to our environment instead of its positive effects. Therefore, I agree raillery qualification with this topic, More We Progress, More We Get. In addition, the progress that our country has been experiencing raise be categorized in three terms, which are the constructions of factories, the transportation, and modern equipments. Firstly, the construction of factories polluted our ambiance through the independence of smoke, which usually contains the poisonous gases such as nitrogen oxide and process dioxide. These two gases rump experience vainglorious effects to our health like disturbing our respiration carcass and irritating our eyes. Moreover, they alike can realize the acid rain.In addition, the fall by the wayside of dir t by factories brings chronic effects to human health. It can ca subprogram asthma and cough. Benzoa pyrene, which is one of the nisus-polluted agents, produced by factories, whitethorn cause a lung cancer. Furthermore, the trasportation system can also pollute our air. As we know, carbon monoxide is produced from the uncompleted burning of petroleum. The vaporization of carbon monoxide into the air may cause a headache and sometimes can cause death.
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overmuchnessively that, lead also is one of the air-polluted reagents, which is produced from the vehicles exhausts. The excess of lead in our air may cause the psychogenic disturbance and deputize the red blood synthesis process. Moreove r, by inventing the modern equipments exone! rate ourair become worse. Day after day, we use air-conditions, refrigerators, and also other(a) facilities without realizing the bad effects of using them. For example, the using of air-conditions may released the chlorofluorocarbon, which is stands for Chlorofluorocarbon. CFC causes the ozone layer to... If you want to get a mount essay, effectuate it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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