
Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Agamemnon1 The Old Testament The Old Testament is a compilation, and corresponding every compilation it has a wide variety of contributors who, in turn, throw away their individual influence upon the final work. It is no surprise, then, that there exist certain parallels between the Enuma Elish, the cosmogony of the Babylonians, and the daybook of Genesis, the root part of the Pentateuch section of the word of honor. In fact, arguments whitethorn be make that other Near Eastern texts, curiously Sumerian, have had their influences in Biblical texts.
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The extent of this borrowing, as it were, is not limited to the Bible; the Enuma Elish has its own roo ts in Sumerian mythology, predating the Enuma Elish by to the highest degree a thousand years. A lilliputian examination of this point would erroneously lead one to confide that the Bible is sensibly a collection of older mythology re-written specifically for the Semites. In fact, what develops is that the writers have addressed each myth as a break down issue, and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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