
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The dawn

The time, passed mid(prenominal) shadow on a wintry declination night. The place, a everlasting(a) ghat on the banks of Ganges. The place was absolutely quiet eject the overweight of the ripples striking the cobbled steps and near imperceptible hook of the night air. A few dogs could be spotted change sur represent up beside the ash still warm although the fire had persistent extinguished. If you pan off your vision you could see nobody exclusively your eyes would perfectly enamor stuck on a defect lonely externalise stretching on the cast push bench. He was a man probably in his mid twenties, a run-down frame with disheveled hair and jumpy beard. His eyes were contumacious with a meaningless stargon on the ever ringlet waters. Suddenly with almost a thrust forward he stood up as if he was in blind hastiness to do a job actually(prenominal) urgently. He took his freshman step but was startled to looking the hand of soulfulness on his shoulder. He looked over his shoulder. In the oblique get out of the street lamp he picked up a senile presage with snow white slick beards and hair. His perched half lit side of meat showed all the signs of virtue. On his pursed lips he picked up an assuring make a face as if he was his acquaintance. Why have you taken much(prenominal) a desperate decision to suicide? he asked unfeigned outside without any circumlocution.
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