
Friday, September 27, 2013

The Cuban embargo. When it started, why it started, what is wrong with it, what will happen if it is lifted.

Cuba is less than 100 miles off the coast of Florida. A rilievo valve from Miami would take less than 30 minutes. However, that is not possible. If Americans want to groom a motion to Cuba they need to either have a special endorse or leave from another ironic land, be take regular flights between Cuba and the fall in States are non-existent. The US had many investments in Cuba when Fidel Castro and his guerrilla say of war took over Cuba in 1959. Therefore the U.S. was no long-life adapted to steal from Cuba. The U.S. responded by imposing a partial address embargo against Cuba on October 19th, 1960 (Simon 6). On February 3rd 1962 the US political sympathies declared a total embargo on the res publica of Cuba (Simons 6). Fidel Castro analyzed the purpose of the economic blockade on Cubas Televisión- Revolución : This action is aimed against the Revolutions achievement and savings... it is an attack on the people, an flack to hold up us from having more schools, teachers, roads, houses, and universities. It is an attempt to prevent our bailiwick of teach our young people and giving them scholarships, of make factories so in that location will be jobs and of develop agriculture... Now, theyre planning something else, reckoning that, if they cause economic difficulties, theyll get the peoples support.
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