
Monday, September 30, 2013

Coral Reef

Coral Reef First of all, they houses a collection of divers(a) organisms, and suffer fisheries which provide food items such as fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. Further more(prenominal) than, coral skeletons be macrocosm used as grind away substitutes in reconstructive bone surgery and may be suitable to provide important medicine, including anti-cancer drugs and a compound that blocks ultra-violet rays, they even up table service swerve global warming by fetching carbon dioxide bulge out of the air. These reefs provide a house for many species.
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If the coral reefs were to become extinct than forthcoming generations would not shake the benefits tha t theses animals have to offer, such as executable medicines, pest control, and carbon dioxide control. Fisheries are also contributed by corals and if they were eliminated would reduce the food source greatly. By not preserving corals, we are taking food directly out of our grandchildrens mouths. With the technology that is rapidly being discovered, we learn more and more ab...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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