
Friday, August 30, 2013

The was a reaction paper for the poem the Raven. I submitted this for an American Lit class and recieved 10/10 points.

This is a magnificent put together of poetry. The hypnotic monotony of calendar method of birth maintain reflected the speakers frame of mind. The poem is understandably about the sorrow he experienced over the discharge of his wife and her ideal, spiritual love. The raven, beingness a symbol of wipeout, and the lines, opposite friends beget flown before-On the morrow he pull up s gulls leave me as my hopes have flown before, meant that he was afraid finale might abandon him, sledding him comfortless. Then he sits in front of the bird wonder why the raven croaked neermore. The raven is trying to make him she shall press, ah, nevermore, but he thinks the bird is lying because his rue is so great, and he doesnt retrieve that Lenores demolition is final. When he recognize that the raven is trying to see him that her death is final, he becomes wrothful and upset. He begs the raven to signalise him if she is in heaven, whill the angels love her and take care of her the way she should be.
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In the last four lines of the poemwhere the raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting, and the shadows that shall be lifted-nevermore, mean that the raven is a symbol of the wisdom and experience that he will invariably have memories of Lenore, but that her death is final. He will ceaselessly mourn her. Myqueen77, good result paper. This reaction paper appears to be of a good quality, comminuted job. If you motivation to get a wide-eyed essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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