
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas

The Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas University of Phoenix Steve Kafka is a pizza pie pie franchisor who is looking at to expand his c are in the Czechoslovakian majority rule. Although he is an American citizen he has relatives in the Czech commonwealth who can help him to evaluate the culture, and language differences among the united States and the Czech Republic. The cleave to amounther States and Czech cultures press many issues in ancestry. Differences and Incompatibilities Steve Kafka befools his Chicago style pizza would back a contend in the Czech Republic of Prague. The unify States diet is advantageously different from the Czechs. Although some get together States citizens would not mind have pizza with a beer, the Czechs would pervert their pizza from vending machines with pre-cut slices. This is not considered a delicacy in the United States. Steve moldiness adapt to the culture while doing business in Czech Republic. strange the United States there are accredited rituals and customs that must be followed to confirm a productive business. For example: When shiver hands never exert your otherwise hand in the pocket, because it is considered bad manners. If you perk up your hand in the run across defend it face earlier with the index finger elongated if you wish to let the cat out of the bag and dont speak out of turn.
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Steve has to realize the Czechs legal building is very complex and unavoidably to have a loaded lawyer team to cross the neat air soused cooperation agreements. Steve needs to take eon to cognise and understand his Czech partners and who they are as community (Mole, 2003). Comparative Advantages The advantage of Steve doing business in the Czech Republic is that he has family in their country. They would be an asset to the business hypothesis and his family would want him to succeed, they would do... If you want to get a full essay, holy order it on our website: Orderessay

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