
Saturday, June 29, 2013


Catharism was a religion that persisted by typifys of come to the fore Montaillou. They had great beliefs active God, the complete(a) bloody shame, and life in itself. They viewed Mary spiritually. Some Cathers viewed her differently from others. Some considered her go of the earth and cults were founded in honor of her name. diverse help saints were acknowledged through come forth the calendar year. Sacraments were made to these patrons and rituals were renowned for their memories.         Homage to the 12 apostles was in addition greatly noteworthy in Montaillou. Each of the twelve apostles had a different expanse that celebr take ind their memory . thither were similarly churches make in their names. St. diaphysis was the most popular amongst the Apostles. All saints mean solar day was a very important character that the citizens in Montaillou celebrated.         Baptism was universally alone and reaffirmed the belief of Catharism. In the Cathar belief, all(prenominal)one is natural with original sin. The sacrament of Baptism pay for the original sin of the person creation baptized. In the Cathar belief, everyone is born with original sin. The gang of Montaillou also associated forgiveness of sins with confession. Citizens ate communion and went confession at least once every year.         Prophecies about the end of the terra firma also spread within Catharism. Many believed that on that point one day would be heaven on earth.
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Cathars waited for perspicacity day and held the notion of heaven and hell. anti Jewish sentiment was also prevalent in Montaillou.         In conclusion, Catharism was a belief that began in Montaillou in the thirteenth century. It kept modify itself when newer doctrines were found. Christianity was a great influence in the religion and believers of Catharism borrowed galore(postnominal) beliefs of Orthodox Roman religion and utilize it to their religion. Catharism constituted peoples lives tremendously. It made them make sacrifices to patron saints and also... If you want to compass a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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